Yojigen Pocket
(Four-dimensional Pocket)   (2004.1.30)

  On my 30th birthday, the 24th of January last year, I launched this homepage. Launching my own homepage had been my long-time dream.


 About one year ago (It was on the 4th of January, according to my diary), I met two of my childhood friends. One of them, Mr. M was already married, and the other, Mr.Y was not. They are my best friends. I can be relaxed when I am with them.

On that day, we went to a family restaurant and enjoyed lunch together. We chatted about our recent topics. We enjoyed that precious time.

I said to them, “By the way, I am thinking about launching my own homepage, but I haven’t done anything yet. I don’t know where to begin. Do you have any advice?”

 They knew well about making homepages, and gave me some HELPFUL information.

A few weeks later, (It was on the 20th of January), I had a chance to meet Mr. M again. We went to a restaurant to dine.

“Here you are.”

As soon as we seated, he handed me a CD-R.

“I give this to you.”

To my surprise, he had prepared a homepage building application just for me! I was TOUCHED. And after dinner, he even took me to a nearby bookstore and introduced a useful book about homepages.

“Buy and read this book, and you can make your homepage easily.”

His KINDNESS really MOVED me.

And thanks to Mr. M, I could launch my homepage on January 24th.


Now, I don’t mean to sidetrack you, but I ask you one question.

“In what dimensional space do we live in?”

 Many of you may answer that it is THREE dimensional space, which has three extents of length, width and depth. But I think that we are living in FOUR dimensional (in Japanese; yojigen) space.

In the theory of relativity, time is regarded as the fourth dimension. So we sometimes call four dimensional space as “space-time (in Japanese; ji-kuu)”.

Of course, we can’t travel in time freely. We don’t have a “time machine” like Doraemon’s world.

But I still think that we are living in four dimensional world.

Our lives are NOT materialized in just three dimensional world. Without our past, there would not be our present. And without our present, there would not be our future.

Without that lunch time with Mr. M and Mr. Y, I may not be writing this essay here now.

 NO DOUBT, our past world affects our present world. And a casual action of somebody in this present world may affect your future life.
 Yes, even a message on my school album had changed my life.
(※See the essay of 2003.5.27)

What I mean is that each of our lives is deeply intertwined to one another in this space-time world. That is what I want to describe through this series of essays.


For dogs, cats or birds, the concept of the space-time may be nonsense. Basically, they are living just for now. They are not conscious of the time scale. So I say that they are living in three dimensional world.

But we human beings are different. We can recollect our past, and imagine or dream about our future. We are living in the space-time world.


It is true that we can’t TRAVEL IN TIME physically, but we can do it IN OUR BRAIN. For example, we can recall what happened one year ago. While we are recalling it, we are traveling to our past in our brain.


If you keep a diary, you can jump to the day mentally when you read the words in it. So writing or recording present situation or emotion could be a help to travel in space-time in the future.

Furthermore, we can travel even into yojigen world of other people when we hear their experiences.

In our brain, yojigen-travel is possible. Only human being can do that. Isn’t it fantastic?


 .....Time changes everything gradually.


Shaberi-ba was broadcasted on Saturday night one year ago but now on Friday night. (I stealthily revised the essay.)

In July, I wrote that I ate convenience-store food for lunch every day, but now I get packed lunch delivered every day.

These are small changes, but there are also big changes as well.

As I wrote, Mr. Y was unmarried a year ago. But he is already married now. I can’t call him easily as before.

My father was working hard and enjoying his life better than any other person, but he was killed in a car accident 8 years ago.

I have written about my old friends in my essays, but I can’t even get contact with some of them now.

Sometimes, I feel sad about those changes.

But I STRONGLY BELIEVE that we are BEING LINKED SOMEWHERE in this space-time world, even if we can’t meet now.


For me, writing essays on this page is a kind of space-time travel. While I am writing, I am traveling to my old days, seeing my old friends. Sometimes I can travel to my future world and enjoy imagining what is going to happen.
 This homepage may be a very small step, but I wish this could be the MAGICAL POCKET to more fantastic space-time world, like Doraemon’s Yojigen Pocket.


Lastly, I quote my favorite song. It is used in the Doraemon movie ”Nobita’s Dinosaurs” and “Nobita and Robot Army”. It may sound childish to you, but I cherish both the lyrics and music. If you have a chance, please listen to this song.


 In Your Pocket  (Click here to Japanese)

                --- Japanese Lyrics : Tetsuya Takeda
                     English Translation : Jun Kuribayashi ---

I am here, in your pocket.

I am here to enjoy traveling with you.


I have been waiting long for you to realize that I am here.


I am curious about what you are dreaming about.


Now, why don’t we go there together?

It’s very very far but very very close place, I know.


In your pocket, the sky extends as far as we can see.

In your pocket, clouds are drifting unhurriedly.


There is such a fantastic place, you know.


And it is the world where you and I are traveling.