WOW WAR TONIGHT(2020.12.31)

A few days ago, I happened to hear the song “WOW WAR TONIGHT” sung by H jungle with T and it brought back the memories of those days.

So, I compared those days with now.

This song was released in 1995. In those days, I was in my fourth year of university.


It was before windows 95 was released and the internet was not commonly used.
In our laboratory, the internet was connected only to our professor's room.
One day, the professor showed us with a desk-top computer a picture of a hotel room in a foreign country where he was going to stay. Several students, including me, got together, and were watching the screen.
It took a long time for that one photo just to open, but when the photo finally opened up, everyone screamed at it, “Wow!”

Now, in 2020, almost everyone has high-spec internet device in their hands. What a drastic change!


Karaoke was all the rage at that time. When it came to hanging out with friends, it was karaoke. I loved singing, so I enjoyed the time very much.

In 2020, I still love karaoke, but I cannot enjoy it now because of the pandemic.
How much longer should we wait before we can enjoy karaoke again without hesitation?


In 1995, "DOWN TOWN" was like a god. I think they were in a completely different level of attractivity than any other entertainers.
I got unusually excited when I watched their show. It was like the excitement I had had for “the Drifters” when I was a little kid.
I know this might be controversial, but I think DOWN TOWN definitely changed not only “manzai” in Japan but "conversations of Japanese people" as well. I'm proud of having seen it with my own eyes back then.

And the wonderful thing is that they are entertaining us on the front lines even now. This is miraculous in such a fast-paced industry. I would like them to be active in performing for as long as possible.


In 1995, I was a pharmacy student who enjoyed learning English. And my future was completely uncertain. At least I wasn' t thinking about working as a pharmacist at all.

Currently, in 2020, I am working as a pharmacist in a drugstore. And I am organizing English conversation workshops as a hobby, making use of the English studies I was really into at that time.


In those days, there was a special woman who I had crush on. I was always thinking about her no matter where I was, no matter what I did. Yes, "Love was blind" indeed.

Now, I don't have anyone I love that blindly. But there are people I really cherish.

Which is happier? --- I think both are happy enough.


Now, this is the final day of 2020. In Tokyo, the number of people infected with new coronavirus has exceeded 1,300. Of course, in 1995, we never even imagined that this would going to happen.

The world may be stagnant in this pandemic.

But now that we are in such an unprecedented crisis, I believe there is something we can do. I think one of them is to learn from the past, rethink what we really want now and what happiness means now, and move forward.

Times change, definitely. If we survive, we will be able to enjoy experiencing the unprecedented changes.

As the song goes, “Getting better, Begin to Make it Better.”

As the song goes, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Why not take a chance to start a movement?"