

Do you have this


“Agaricus” --- oh, yes. We have several kinds. I’ll show you. --- Here. These are all “agaricus”. Most of them are tablet type. Some of them are liquid type.


I heard Brazilian one is good. Do you have Brazilian one?


You mean the product made from Brazilian agaricus?


Yes. --- Oh, it says “Agaricus blazei Murill”. Maybe “blazei” means “from Brazil”. So this is Brazilian, isn’t it?


Mmm… Not really. “Agaricus blazei Murill” is just a Latin scientific name. It doesn’t necessarily means the raw material came from Brazil. --- Oh, this one says “This is made from Brazilian agaricus.” This is what you want. This is tablet-type agaricus.


Good. My neighbor asked me to buy Brazilian one. He said it is good for cancer. Is that right?


Mmm. It’s a difficult question. It is true that some people say agaricus is good for cancer, but we can’t guarantee that this works for cancer. You know, this product is what we call “healthy food”, not medicine. So we can’t assure that it treats illness. It’s illegal.


Ah-huh. I understand that. One more question. Here are many kinds of “agaricus” and the prices are very different one by one. For example, this is 4,980 yen, but it is over 20,000 yen. What’s the difference?


Well, another difficult question. Because they are not medicine, so it’s not mandatory to show us all the ingredients in detail. Actually, the information on these packages is not enough to evaluate their true effect. I mean we can’t answer about their differences right away. I could get some information if you could wait for a while.

わかりました。では、もう1つだけお願いしてもよいですか?これらのパッケージをコピーして頂けませんか? 隣人に見せたいのです。

O.K. Then will you do me one more favor? Can you photocopy these packages and give me? I want to show them to my neighbor. 



※ Pronunciation Pocket ※

guarantee (〜を保証する)      ・・・ ぎゃらんてぃ
mandatory (義務的な、強制の)   ・・・ 
photocopy (〜をコピーする)     ・・・ ふぉうぴー   

英会話 英語 薬局 ドラッグストア 接客